fistula treatment

    laser fistula surgery

    What is an Anal Fistula?

    An anal fistula is a small tunnel that connects an abscess, to an opening on the skin around the anus. The anus is the external opening through which feces are expelled from the body. Occasionally the glands which are present inside the anus make mucus which gets clogged and becomes infected leading to an abscess. About half of such abscesses may develop into a fistula.

    Laser Fistula Surgery in Delhi at Affordable Cost

    Tell us about your problems and we’ll figure out the best treatment option for you.
    Why Painless Laser Surgery?
    1. No Cuts & No Stitches
    2. 30 min procedure with discharge from the hospital on the same day
    3. Back to work in 48 Hours
    4. Laser surgery is the best option, with minimum pain & complications
    Why consider Sama Hospital for Laser Surgery for Anal Fistula?
    1. Sama Hospital is one of the premier centres in Delhi for Any Fissure and Fistula            Surgery
    2. We have a top-class hospital infrastructure with highly trained and expert staff to        provide the best diagnosis & treatment to our patients
    3. We have successfully completed more than 10,000 anal fistula surgeries
    What is the cost of Anal Fistula Treatment in Delhi?
    Cost of fistula laser surgery depends on following factors:
    1. Type and severity of Fistula (type I, type II, type III, IV)
    2. The procedure performed and the technology used
    3. The patient’s medical history, including associated conditions
    After clinical diagnosis by our best doctors, cost estimation can be provided
    laser fistula surgery in delhi

    Our Doctors


    Ongoing illness that affects bowels

    Sexually transmitted diseases


    Long-standing abscess



    Pain and swelling around the anus

    Pain and swelling around the anus

    Pain during bowel movements

    Sama Hospital in Numbers

    0K+ Happy Patients
    0+ Surgeries
    0+ Doctors
    0+ Years of experience

    Book an Appointment


      Yes, fistula is completely curable if you follow all the to-dos prescribed by the Doctor.

      We use the most advanced tools and laser to perform fistula laser surgery, which is minimally invasive and also painless to get rid of fistula.

      Type 1 anal fistula can be cured without having any surgery, by taking a fiber and nutrition-rich diet and drinking a lot of water fistula can be flushed away naturally. But if it is diagnosed in later stages, then laser treatment is the best option to cure fistula permanently.

      Yes, Laser fistula surgery is covered under insurance.

      Chances are very low that after laser surgery fistula may re-occur, which also depends upon your lifestyle & diet.